Sunday, June 23, 2013


Everyday I witness miracles. I just look at my daughters in the morning while they're sleeping and I instantly feel God's love right before my very eyes. How they started as 2 lines and how everyday they just keep on growing!

Then I look at my bills and how my husband and I find ways to pay all of them when we're just earning enough. Not to mention all our other daily necessities and emergency expenses we need to include in our budget.

Then I look at my husband and how we're able to work things through despite our differences.

Then I recall my prayers and how they're answered at the most unexpected but definitely the most appropriate time. A job, a car, a stroller, a pair of new shoes...

Then I look at myself in the mirror and just knowing that I'm healthy and alive, that I'm a woman who's born in the time where I can be someone I want to be, that I'm able to experience carrying a human being in my womb not just once but twice and delivering them healthy, that despite all the challenges i am able to stand again...

Everyday I don't just witness miracles but I experience them. And I can only thank God for everything.

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